Monday, April 11, 2011


So I was just wondering how kids raised in a two parent household (maybe on the beach in Florida or a quaint suburb of upstate New York) with a rather idyllic upbringing turn out to be such screw-ups? Were they destined for screwupdom (I made that word up) from birth or was it the fact that had everthing so perfect that contributed to their dumbassedness (same here)? It worrys me because if its the latter, then they deserved to have my life. The destined-to-be jerks should have the shitty lives, crappy luck, and rotten familial ties.
     So if its not the latter,and people turn in to idiots because they are given too much, then doesnt it make sense that people who are given very little should come out on top in the end? Shouldn't the kids who suffer the most, end up with the big house, fancy car, and beautiful children (to whom they will give everything they never had, thus continuing the cycle, creating screwed-up kids)?
     So what happens to the unwanted baby girl, with the drug addicted parents, who never feels loved , ends up in a notoriously abusive "group home" as a small child, because she was taken away from a family that could care less about the horrible things she suffered in their home, who is shifted to a seemingly loving family only to be fondled and molested  religiously on tuesday nights by the family pervert? Well personally, I hope she ends up with everything, spoiled children and all.

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